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N10 Problems

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Hi all.

I am finding that I can get about 2 albums (say 30 songs) onto a disc (from HDD), and then SonicStage stops naming my tracks and creating folders. The error I get is that the disc is full. When I goto a disc analysis, it tells me that there is still a fair bit of space on there. Anyone have any ideas? I am using SonicStage 3.1 btw....



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Could it be that you have used up all the space reserved for track titles?

I did that once, and the results were unexpected, though I think it warns you in the manual.

Try shortening some of the track titles (with SS) and see what happens ...

Best of luck

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Could it be that you have used up all the space reserved for track titles?

I did that once, and the results were unexpected, though I think it warns you in the manual.

Try shortening some of the track titles (with SS) and see what happens ...

Best of luck

There is a limit to the amount of text for track titles --not sure what it is but it's definitely there. As the previous poster says -- try abbreviating or shotening track titles -- a pain but it works.

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